2 Sep 2021 faisan

Alleged IPL bookie apprehended in Mumbai

Alleged cricket bookie Mehul Jain was arrested by the Mumbai police on Saturday for charges pertaining to a two-year old instance of online betting on Indian Premier League matches. He was handed over to the VP Road Police Station officials from Arthur Jail, after the 4th Metropolitan Magistrate Court granted permission for 📖th𝓰e same.

The🐻 case in question took place in the area of Girguam back in April 2019. The local police had raided a bar where they caught three individuals involv🌄ed in betting on the match between Chennai Super Kings and Mumbai Indians.

The alleged bookie is far from a first-🐟time offender. Mehul Jain has several cases of betting against his name at the VP Road and DB Marg police stations. He also has charges registe♍red against him at the crime branch.

The convict had come to t🅰he limelight a few months ago as well after an audio clip attributed to him had gone viral on social media. The sound bite featured Mehul Jain hurling abuses at a businessman based in Khar, in relation to some financial dispute. Jain wen🦋t so far as to threaten him with the kidnapping of his daughter should he not settle the specified amount.

Further i🌌nvestigatiꦯons into the matter are currently underway.

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